Bob Ross

Bob Ross.... Legend. 

In the early 1980s, Bob Ross quietly appeared on public television stations across the United States to give viewers an experience that was part art lesson, part entertainment, and part pro bono therapy session. 

Our Officially Licensed Bob Ross Collection features images from our favorite seven paintings (out of over 400 works from The Joy of Painting). Each product page contains the link to the original episode where the image was painted. The seven paintings are Blue River, Hidden Lake, Misty Rolling Hills, Mountain Retreat, Night Light, Quiet Woods, and Winter Night. 

There is much to love about Bob Ross. We certainly loved his enthusiasm for the outdoors, his talented artistry, his optimistic outlook on life, and his ability to captivate an audience that was 90% watching and listening to him (as opposed to painting along). Bob Ross saw the artist in all of us. 

We hope you enjoy the collection. 
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