• Custom Unisex T-Shirt - White

Custom Unisex T-Shirt - White

$14.99 $19.99

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Product Details


Get Any Image on a White T-Shirt for $14.99*!

Print size up to 14" x 16"


Why wear any other Tee when you can make a high quality version with your own pictures on it? We're here to make it easy and as far as quality goes, we only use the latest in DTG printing technology. Upload the picture you want, and, voila - a custom proof appears in your email so you know what the shirt will look like before we actually print it. Then you give us the green light and its on it's way! Ready..... Get Set... Go!

Because each shirt is custom made, there are no returns or exchanges for any reason. Please make sure you are ordering the correct size before finalizing your order.

*Add $2.50 for XXL & XXXL



Almost there! Below, from your phone, tablet or computer, upload the photo or photos you want by clicking or pressing the "Choose File" button.

A few things to remember:

  • Your photos should be 100 DPI or better
  • We accept standard image types- JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD, PDF, AI
  • If you want to add words, we can do that for you. Just give us the details in the design notes.
  • Once proof approved please allow 3-7 business days for printing and shipping
  • If you're ordering shoes or garments, make sure you ordered the right size! Since our products are all custom made, there are no refunds or exchanges for the wrong size.
  • We reserve the right to refuse any image. By uploading these images to us, you are confirming that these images are owned by you or you have permission to use them.
Upload Images

Have a question about ordering or need some help? Email us at custom@theavelosangeles.com.

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